How To Beat Inflation: 5 Powerful Ways To Stop The Government Stealing Your Money!

How To Beat Inflation: Where is the safest place to store your money against inflation and the coming financial reset? In a recent video, I reveal where I personally invest my wealth to protect it for the long term. From gold to cryptocurrencies, stocks, and my favourite—property investment, I walk you through each asset class, breaking down the pros, cons, and potential risks.

If you want to learn exactly how to beat inflation and how I protect my money from the government, please watch the full video until the end. You can find the video at the top of the page or via my YouTube channel.

Many people want to know how to beat inflation with their investments and savings. While I can’t give you financial advice, I can tell you what I do. In this article, I will give you 5 ways I use to beat inflation and keep my money safe from government theft!

Many rich people refuse to share how they invest their money. This means that ordinary people are often shut out. If you want to help more people learn about how to beat inflation and keep their hard-earned money, please consider sharing this article on social media. The more people that understand money and investing, the better for all of us!

How To Beat Inflation: 1. Gold

Gold has a history of maintaining purchasing power over long periods of time. Unlike government currency, it cannot be printed. Gold must be mined, which is a costly process. This means it has a very low inflation rate. This makes it a good store of value, meaning that people can protect their wealth for generations with it.

How To Beat Inflation: 2. Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are decentralised assets. They are stored on blockchains, which are distributed on computers across the globe. This means no one person, company or government can shut them down. In the case of Bitcoin, there are only 21 million coins that can ever exist. This means, that unlike government money, it is not subject to high inflation. Please be aware that not all cryptocurrencies are the same, however, and many are scams or bad investments.

How To Beat Inflation: 3. Stocks And Shares

Stocks and shares are a way of buying a small part of a company. As the company increases in value, you can sell the shares or hold them to receive dividends as a part owner. Many people enjoy buying individuals shares, but this can be risky. Instead, I like to buy the S&P 500 which tracks the 500 largest companies on the US stock exchange. This gives me exposure to the best companies without the need to become an expert in each of them.

How To Beat Inflation: 4. Real Estate

90% of my wealth is in property. Property has a strong track record of beating inflation, while paying you cashflow whilst you hold it. It is also the way that rich people and companies invest their money. If you read through The Sunday Times’ Rich List, you will find that the super rich use property as their primary way of storing wealth. In fact, 60% of the UK’s entire net wealth is invested in property!

It is very hard for the government to strip you of your property ownership. When Andrew Tate was put in prison, they took many of his assets, they didn’t take his property! The super rich own properties themselves, so the rules are written to protect them. If you know what you are doing, you can be protected under those same rules yourself!

How To Beat Inflation: 5. SSAS Pensions

One way I protect my property wealth is with an SSAS (Small Self Administered Scheme) pension. This means that I can put money into my pension without paying income tax or corporation tax. That, in turn, allows me to invest in commercial property tax-free! Real estate has been set up to benefit people that understand the rules, it is important to be one of those people!

How To Beat Inflation: Read My Book!

How To Beat Inflation: I have written a book on exactly how to protect your money from the government and inflation, it’s called ‘The Future of Money: The Great Reset Is Coming, Are You Prepared?’ and you can get a copy on Amazon.

You can also get a FREE copy of it as an e-book!

In the book, I answer the following questions:

  • Why is everything getting so expensive?

  • Who really controls the economic world?

  • What is the future of cryptocurrencies?

  • Why is the government printing so much money?

  • Why are the high street banks closing down?

  • How is the education system failing our children?

  • Why is gold so valuable?

  • Can the government take away our houses?

  • How can you protect your wealth?

  • What is the future of money?

If you want to know what is really going on with your money, get your copy of my book right now on Amazon.

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