How to Find Motivated Sellers WITHOUT Agents | Samuel Leeds

Finding the perfect estate agent that knows what you are looking for and can get you this best deal is ideal for all property investors. At times it can be difficult to find a motivated seller through agents. In today’s video Samuel shares his best tips to finding motivated sellers without agents.

Social Media – Using social media in your direct to vendor search is ideal. You can join groups on Facebook put your brand out there and be able to message motivated sellers directly.

Notice Boards – Placing adverts on notice boards in supermarkets and off-license letting people that you are motivated and looking for deals. This is also a good place to find motivated sellers who may have left their details. So pay attention and get calling.

Leaflet Drops – Placing leaflets in areas that you would like to make your patch is another way to connect directly to vendor.  Keep some in your car and if you drive around a see property that has multiple for sale signs or looks run drop them through the letterbox.

Networking – One of the best and proven methods is networking. Attending property networking events that occur daily and throughout the country is perfect. Find motivated sellers and build your own property network.

Online searching – Simply searching the correct sites can lead you to find motivated sellers sites such as Gumtree and Open Rent are filled with them. They also have the details of the vendor enabling you to have direct contact.

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