Nurse Enjoys New Life as Property Entrepreneur

A NURSE who was struggling to cope financially with four children has managed to make herself financially free by becoming a property investor. Ann Mather, from Prudhoe, was working as a nurse when she discovered she was expecting twins.

The 50-year-old was keen to make more money to support what was about to become a family of six, and she began looking up property videos on YouTube. She then signed up for a free, two day crash course with property investor Samuel Leeds, who runs Property Investors UK with his brother Russell.

Based on what she learnt, Ann persuaded her husband David, an IT manager, to re-mortgage their home and put down a £24,000 deposit on a four-bed student let in Middlesbrough. This now gives her a monthly profit of £800–the same amount she was picking up as apart-time nurse on the vascular surgery ward of the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.

Ann has not returned to her job since April 2018, she is now financially free and able to cover the cost of childcare when she needs it for her one-year-old twins, Alex and Josh, daughter Emily (3) and son Oliver(4). “It’s been an amazing journey, but it’s not been easy.” She continued: “I had two early deals fall through–one because serious damp was discovered in the house I wanted to buy and the other due to legal problems, but it’s been worth it.

“Property investing has changed my life and means I have the time and money to look after my children.” She has now started renting out two apartments in Newcastle. And her future plans are to buy more houses for rent in her native South Shields. She also intends to invest in Guildford in Surrey, a town where her great grandmother used to let out boarding houses.

If you haven't already don't forget to check out Ann's Winners on a Wednesday here!

This article was taken from the Hexham Courant. It can be found here:


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