Samuel and Amanda Show: 7 Lessons for Beginners to Be Successful in Property……
Hey guys, Samuel and Amanda here. This week's episode of The Samuel and Amanda Show found us at the beach, celebrating Amanda's 29th birthday! “Happy, happy birthday,” I told her and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, babe. You made it so special,” she responded with a smile.
In the previous episode, I remember her saying she was curious whether turning 29 would feel magical. But since everyday holds new magic, it felt like any other day, “just normal.” Amanda's other highlight for the week was her trip to Peppa Pig World with the kids, who loved it. So it's been a merry week all around, and the great weather we've been experiencing in the UK made it even better.
Now, are you thinking of starting a business or getting into property? If yes, read on to learn seven steps for success, whether you're young or old or living in England or not. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, the following apply to you.
“Who you hung around with is really, really important,” Amanda said. As she explained, if the people around you are not ambitious and have different interests from yours, you will likely also become unmotivated hence not progress in life. So surround yourself with people that inspire you to pursue your dreams.
“Yeah, who you're around is who you become,” I agreed. If your circle has unambitious people, it's time to step into a new one. But as expanding your friend circle or joining a professional network means adapting to a new environment, it will be uncomfortable at first. Regardless, do not allow yourself to feel intimidated, which is the next point.
I remember my first days in the property business. Even after dressing the part, I would still feel uncomfortable attending property networking events and going to estate agents and banks. I asked Amanda whether she had the same experience when she first stepped into the business world. She responded that it's natural to compare yourself to others, which can kill your confidence.
“But what I always tell myself is that everyone started somewhere,” she continued, saying that at one point or another, we've all felt unsure or silly for not knowing something. So when she feels intimidated by someone, she reminds herself that the person also had to start somewhere to get to where they are now. And this understanding helps her avoid comparing herself with others.
I reminded her of when she first started getting invitations to speak at events for auction houses, for example, and she didn't want to because she felt unqualified. So I had to push her and remind her of her qualifications, including being an experienced quantity surveyor. And that's what intimidation does. It causes you to downplay your intelligence and achievements and overestimate everybody else's.
But the truth is, “people are a lot stupider than you think.” You probably watch my videos and think, “But there's so much about property I don't know.” Guess what? Most people don't, even those that should. If you ask an estate agent what the return on investment on a property they're selling is, they have no clue. So always be confident in yourself and your abilities. As Amanda said, we all start somewhere.
Assuming you attend a networking event and meet a professional whose brain you'd like to pick, you approach them and say, “I really feel like I could learn a lot from you about this, that, and the other, would it be possible that I could buy you a coffee for 20 minutes and ask you some questions?” You can't get what you don't ask for, guys.
I get people offering to buy me coffee all the time. And that's why I set up my training company and run free programs. So sometimes it irks me when someone asks to buy me a coffee when I've hired conference facilities to run a day's training for free! But generally, it's a great technique. To increase their likelihood of saying yes, offer the person something of value, not just a coffee.
Amanda left her corporate job shortly after we got married to work full-time in our property business. So as business owners, who have had a lot of success in our business, we understand your enthusiasm for starting a business, but you don't need to quit your job. Doing so could make it harder for you to invest in property, as Amanda explained.
To echo Jim Rohn's words, work part-time on your fortune and full-time on your job.Before you know it, you'll be able to afford to quit your job and “work full-time on your fortune, which is when it gets really exciting.” So our advice is, go ahead and become a property entrepreneur and investor, but do it alongside your day job.
Amanda's take is that people should write down their goals because if they're just in one's head, they're just dreams. Coincidentally, one of the birthday gifts I got Amanda was a to-do list pad, where she can write down her goals, allowing her to visualize them and, in turn, motivate her to turn them into reality. She also recommends sharing your goals with other people so they can hold you accountable. “I've changed my stance slightly on this,” I revealed. “Why?” Amanda asked.
Well, over the years, I've noticed most people are talkers rather than doers. So instead, I think people should write down their goals, maybe share them with one person, and only tell the world what they've accomplished. Because when you tell people what you plan to do, most will try and hold you back. Your friends want you to succeed, just not more than them.And if your own friends will plot against you, “God help you when you get enemies.”
“I get what you mean,” Amanda said but maintained her stance on putting one's goals out there because it can get the attention of people who are in a position to help. “True,” I agreed. But we'd love to hear what you think. Should you tell the world what you're about to do, or should you do it first then tell the world?
By investing in yourself, I mean your education. People think I say this because I run a training business, but I run a training business because I believe this. The more you grow, the more you can hold. If you give a small-minded person a million pounds, they'll squander it because of what they don't know or what they know that's not so. And this has been proven time and again through the lottery.
When you grow your container and become a rich-minded individual, money will follow. And I'm not necessarily talking about getting a university degree. I'm talking about attending personal development courses and relevant business events, working with mentors and coaches, growing your professional network, building a power team, and the like. I've created that for myself, and I've also created a platform called Samuel365 so others can also get extensive training, coaching, and mentorship.
Samuel365 members have unlimited access to mentorship by myself or other property experts in my team. You can also be mentored by or brainstorm with other members through the Mastermind Forum. And all just for £95 a month. So, yes, I'm a firm believer in investing in your education and personal growth. “I totally, totally agree,” Amanda weighed in, revealing that she has attended both personal development and property training courses. “You meet people who are like-minded, which is what I love the most,” she said.
True, when you get trained and mentored, the rest will come easy. You'll meet people who are just as ambitious as you are. You will cross paths with experts, giving you the chance to ask for a coffee meeting to obtain advice and borrow ideas from them. What you learn will help you set and implement informed and achievable goals. So assuming you have set aside £50,000 to invest in property, take 10% or even 1% of it and invest it in property training that will help you start and scale your property business.
On our way to the beach earlier, we discovered a roadblock and had to find another route. We didn't sit in the car and wait for the roadworks to finish because that would have been ridiculous. In the same way, when you face a hurdle in your property journey, don't stop and wait for the “right opportunity.” Instead, find another way to get to your end goal.
And best believe doing business will get hard at times. It's not all beaches and blue skies. There are going to be rainy days, where doors will be closed in your face. And when this happens, kick it open or find another door. “You have to be unstoppable and just willing to keep going,” Amanda agreed, “Nothing worth having comes easy.”
Parting Shot
If you have any questions for Amanda and me on money, marriage, and life, leave your comment on the latest video of the Samuel and Amanda Show, and we'll do our best to answer them. Turning 29 seems to have made Amanda even wiser, she's dropping gems, so if I were you, I wouldn't miss the next episodes. But for now, the ocean is calling, so God bless and peace out
Also this podcast is now available to listen to on the go on iTunes, Spotify and Audioboom.
❓ Have a question for Samuel and Amanda? Comment below and they will answer it in next week's video.
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