The Government Wants You Poor For THE REST OF YOUR LIFE

Samuel Leeds

The Government Wants You Poor For THE REST OF YOUR LIFE

I'm from a working class background and I became a multimillionaire and from doing that, I've learned a lot about the government and about the education system.

I know people call me controversial while other people say that I'm a conspirator but I'm going to tell you what i believe and why I want you to just do your own research because i believe that the government wants to control you.


The name govern means control and i believe the system is wired for you and i to be poor and i believe that the system wants us to work 40 hours a week for 40 years and retire on what we couldn't afford to live on in the first place.

Retirement age is getting pushed back as pensions are becoming more and more of a joke and people are getting poorer. In fact, i correct myself, as the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.

The truth is, when most people become multimillionaires, what they do is hide away whereas what i want to do is to tell you openly and honestly by calling out the system.

Why do schools not teach anything about money or why are there no teachings of money at all such as good or bad debt in our schools?

Most adults don't know the difference between an asset and a liability because schools don't teach and it’s not the teacher's fault as the government does not allow that kind of teaching to be in the curriculum.

So why would the government and the curriculum's ban teaching money in schools?

I'm not complaining about it as I've become very wealthy and i teach people how to make money and so, i want them to teach money in schools.

Most adults don't know the difference between an asset and a liability because schools don't teach and it’s not the teacher's fault as the government does not allow that kind of teaching to be in the curriculum.

So why would the government and the curriculum's ban teaching money in schools?

I'm not complaining about it as I've become very wealthy and i teach people how to make money and so, i want them to teach money in schools.

I've spoken to teachers as I've gone into my previous school and I’m currently in the process of talking with the Ugandan government in Africa as my wife was born in Britain's Zimbabwe in Africa and I'm in negotiations with partnering with the Ugandan government to let me pay for the school buildings and just let me teach money and let me help put money and financial independence and financial education in the curriculum.

Samuel Leeds

The definition of education is to draw out from within but unfortunately, they don't do that in schools as they don't draw out the excellence from within children and bring out the creativity and the skills from these kids. What they do is cram in a lot of useless information, some useful, but a lot of useless information and they teach kids from a young age how to be compliant like in Victorian times.

They program kids on how to be good employees by getting good school grades to then go on to the university to get a degree and then become overqualified, and often, still struggle to get a job because everyone just wants a job and so, they go through all this education to get a job instead of being self-employed.

At least, if you're self-employed, you're not going to fire yourself as it is so risky having a job right now yet people go into tens of thousands of debt to go to university in the hope to get a good safe job for life but jobs are extremely risky.

Over a million people have been made redundant just over the last few months because of the pandemic that's happening and what's going to happen is that the poor people are going to get poorer while the rich are going to get richer.

When i say poor, I'm including middle class people because comfort will be a thing of the past.

When you leave school, what happens is that you're then encouraged to work really hard in a job to make someone else rich, to then save up your money and you're then encouraged to put your money in the bank because they say that in the bank, that's where your money's safe.

Your money in the bank not only is it shrinking because of inflation and cost of living going up but the money stays the same because they give you pretty much zero return and on top of that, if the bank goes out of business, you’ve now lost your money.

I know that people have got millions of pounds in the bank and I think that’s a bit risky.

If everyone went to the bank and said, hey can we have the money that we put in the bank? they'll be like, no you can't have it because when you invest money in the bank, you give it to the banks and they then invest it and make very good returns as they give you 0.5 percent.

Go to the bank tomorrow and say to your bank manager, I'd like a 25,000 loan please and when they ask what for, tell them that you want the loan to go and invest in an investment property as it's going to be a very lucrative safe cash flow. The bank manager will tell you they cannot give you the money as they'll say it's too risky but then go back the next day and say i want 25,000 pounds as you want to use it to get married. They'll congratulate you, ask when is the wedding and give you the 25,000 pounds.

But they won't give you the same money to go and invest in property because i believe the system wants you poor.

We're encouraged to get into bad debt but discouraged from getting into good debt as the media will tell you to buy now and pay later but the interest rates are insanely high.

I'm so happy to speak and expose all this nonsense because the same people that do that, try and expose me as they call me the controversial property trainer while in the real sense, i show people how to get into good debt and how to invest, and believe me, most rich people that have a high net worth have a high debt worth but they do know the difference between good debt and bad debt as they know the difference between a liability and an asset.

What the system tries to do is to confuse people into bad debt so that they're slaves to the system and that’s completely opposite to what I teach as I want people to become financially free.

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