This week’s Winners on a Wednesday brings you a very special episode. It features academy member Ricci Mandal along with his family they have turned their property journey into a family business. Together they have all become invested in property and share the same mission to give back along the way.
Ricci is 26 years old and can proudly say that he is financial freedom through property. After initially meeting Samuel and being introduced into the world of property. Taking the correct information and knowledge he has begun to implement these into his strategy which was Rent to Serviced Accommodation.
“No” is a word that most property investors will come across during their infancy Ricci was no different. He encountered over a 161 rejection from estate agents while he was looking to secure his first property. These times can the most challenging for any investor especially someone who is chasing their first deal.
Samuel preached patience to Ricci and to continue making calls and it eventually paid off with his 162nd call resulted in success. He was able to secure a property that allowed corporate lets. This was the beginning of his property portfolio which allowed him to have two R2SA which passive income has allowed to become financially free.
As his business continued to grow Ricci learned to systemize his portfolio dedicating each weekday to focus on different aspects. Keeping the fundamental big day which Samuel made sure he implements with all his students. This is where Ricci would book at least ten viewings in one day which currently Wednesday. Another big day for him is a Friday which is when he would put offers on the properties he has viewed.
As Ricci continues to grow his portfolio he would like to help teach other people how to grow and manage their portfolio effectively. He is currently making moves in the deal packaging world and has already sold two deals and has many more lined up.
His Mother has long believed in the teaching of Samuel. Her role within the family business is the administrator she handles all the paperwork and fillings making sure that Ricci and his sister have all the information on properties they are going to view. She is the foundation of the business and is also financially free which has allowed her to become financially free.
Kiri Mandal the sister of Ricci is also on her journey for financial freedom and after her final exam, she will be knocking on the door. She along with Ricci would love to give back and help others achieve their goals within property. Putting yourself out there letting the world know that you are a property investor is something that can go along the way. She hasn’t quite mastered this yet but believes her brother has.
The final piece of Ricci’s family his father whom his mother credits to having instilled the fire and passion that has seen them become a success. He came from a builders background understanding the importance that brick and mortar can have if utilized correctly.
The best tip Ricci and his family can give to other ambitious investors. Get educated before you step into the property world. As Samuel says there is nothing worse than an uneducated idiot.