Married Couple Make a Success in Property | Winners on a Wednesday #35

Paul and Sara Tiller sit down with property entrepreneur Samuel Leeds for Winners on Wednesday episode 35.  Many people think in order to be a success in property or to reach yourself financial freedom you need a large number of properties. Paul and Sara are proving that this isn’t true they making a killing in property with just two HMO’s.

Paul’s meticulous approach and attention to detail have allowed both he and Sara to make £3,000 per month of their two current HMOs. The ROI they are making of these investments is nothing sort of incredible after only investing £25,000 in per house.

Everyone’s journey into property is different and takes on many shapes. Paul’s interest in property was something that occurred at a young age. This was due both of his parents being heavily involved in the buy refurbish strategy. Something that he had seen first-hand.

Paul and Sara were first introduced to Samuel after meeting him at an event in reading after a brief discussion about property they parted ways. They then reconnected on Facebook and instead of weekend away they would attend a crash course.

It wasn’t Sara’s idea of a romantic getaway but she was taken aback by the information given away for free by Samuel. She instantly intrigued to what the world of property had to offer.  Paul took on board a variety of strategies. The one he really wanted to pursue was HMO’s.

Together they came up with the ideal game plan and patch they wanted to invest in. they found houses that fit set criteria that they had. During the journey they have networked and found the correct partners to join their power team. This has included estate agents, property managers, and builders.

In order to be a success in not just in property but anything.  Paul feels you’ll need to first find something that you are passionate about and do it. Take a risk and continue to achieve your goals and targets set out.

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