Is Buy-to-Let Property Investing DEAD? | Samuel Leeds

A lot of people have been questioning if the Buy-To-Let is working anymore in 2019. Samuel has heard all the rumblings and finally decides to give his thoughts on peoples biggest concerns and how he views buy-to-lets in 2019 and going forward.

The top five topics people think are killing the buy to let strategy are:

  1. Tax Purposes
  2. Legislation
  3. Negative Media
  4. Tenants’ rights
  5. Brexit uncertainty

Samuel sees these main issues as something that isn’t killing the Buy-to-Let market. firstly Tax issues can simply be avoided by purchasing properties in a company. The company can be created in less than 20mins and with new rules stating that new companies will not be subjected to checks making its even easier to make the purchase.

Legislation shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing rather as a positive. It puts off rogue landlords and protects the safety of hardworking landlords who follow the rules. Making the property game fair and equal to all.

The media will also have something negative to say about people who are making a lot of money. This is something that you cannot control should you shouldn't pay it much attention. It also shouldn’t affect your thought process when investing in property.  Tenant rights and Brexit are things that you also cannot control. Focus on what you can control, if you want to invest do so with a clear mind. Don’t invest with your feelings use formulas.

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