6 TOP RATED Books On Money – Which One Will Make YOU Rich?

While I have been away in Thailand for ten days, I’ve been reading! I read 6 top rated books on money. These books are considered some of the best books about business and money, but do they live up to the hype? In a recent video for my YouTube channel, I reviewed these books and gave my opinion on them as a multimillionaire property investor and trainer. Hopefully my thoughts can help you make an informed choice as to which, if any, of these books you want to read yourself!

I highly recommend watching the full video (above) until the end, as it goes into detail about these top rated books on money. If you prefer to read than watch videos, I will also give you a brief summary of my opinions in this article. If you believe financial education is important, please consider sharing this article on social media. The more people that understand money, the better the world is for everyone.

1. Being A Great Boss

I liked The HBR Guide To Being A Great Boss the least. It was full of overly politically correct, ‘woke’ politics that have nothing to do with business. For example, it advised that you introduce yourself to new staff with your gender pronouns! I normally enjoy the Harvard Business Review, but this one was pathetic!

2. The Decision Book

The Decision Book by Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler was a nice little book. However, it is more about people skills than decisions. It is an easy read, I read it in about an hour! The way I make decisions is to weight up the best case, likely case and the worst case. If the worst case isn’t too bad, but the best and likely case are very good – that’s a good decision.

3. The 33 Strategies Of War

The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene was quite good. I like studying ancient war tactics. However, if you are going to read one Robert Greene book, make it The 48 Laws of Power! Read it not so you can use the tactics it contains, many of which are highly manipulative, but so you can protect against them.

4. Raving Fans

Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon M. Bowles is a great book. I love the concept of this book. You don’t want satisfied customers, you want raving fans! You want your customers' experience to be so good that they want to tell the world!

5. What They Still Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School

What They Still Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School by Mark McCormack follows on from What They Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School, both awesome books! Although this was my 2nd favourite on the list, it is the one I would recommend that you read if you are planning to get into business.

6. #1 On The ‘Top Rated Books On Money’ List Is: Money In One Lesson

Money in One Lesson by Gavin Jackson was my favourite book on this list! It talks about what money is and the history of money. I found this the most fascinating read. It took me about 2 days to read this one. Money doesn’t exist, it is just a concept that everyone agrees to. This book explains how and why that works!

Education is a key part of success, so once you have read my top rated books on money, why not book on to my next training event?

On the course, you will learn how to:

  • Become a property investor using other people’s money so that you can get started straight away

  • Utilise the 5 different types of raised finance so that you know exactly what to offer and when

  • Find the perfect properties for the BRR strategy

  • Recycle your money so that you can ‘rinse and repeat’

  • Build a power team you can trust, so that you can save time and money

  • And much more!

Tickets are only £1, and you can get yours here. If you are ready to take action, I hope to see you very soon!

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