A Day In The Life of Samuel Leeds | Multi Millionaire Vlog

In a recent video for my YouTube channel, I showed exactly what I do on a daily basis. Most of the time, I spend my days buying houses, travelling around looking at my portfolio and managing the projects. However, I also spend a lot of time training other people how to get into property too. This month, I'm on tour. I've been to Manchester, Birmingham and more to come. On the day in question, I was in London.

In the video, I speak to over 400 people at the property investors crash course. As soon as it finished, we partied with Guinness World Record holding rappers Krept & Konan. Whether I’m travelling the country training people, making property and development deals or flying across the world to take part in real estate deals internationally, I am always taking action. In this article, I will give you 3 tips for becoming an action taker.

1. Learn the right actions to take

Many people understand the importance of taking action. Some of these people even take action. Some of them even take a lot of action. However, most of them don’t know what actions they should actually be taking! They just keep pushing ahead, never actually getting anywhere. While taking massive action is half the battle, it isn’t the whole battle.

You need the knowledge and training before you get started. You need to be doing things the correct way and coming across as professional. If you just go for it without taking the time to learn, you won’t sound like someone that should be taken seriously. Do your research and attend training events as a first step.

2. Do the A,B,C before worrying about the X,Y,Z

On the other hand, there are people that have a lot of knowledge, but they aren’t taking any action. These people tend to want to understand everything about a process before they get going. In reality, you will learn more by implementing rather than trying to intellectually understand everything.

Once you understand the first steps you need to take, take them. You can learn the rest as soon as you need to. If you haven’t secured your first rent-to-rent deal, for example, now is not the time to worry about how you will decorate it. Now is the time to be on the phone with landlords and estate agents improving your pitch as you go.

3. Environment is stronger than willpower

Willpower isn’t enough on its own. If you are in the wrong environment, you will eventually give up. You need to put yourself in the room with other go getters that will influence your attitude and make you want to keep up with them. You need to find the friends that want to win and want you to win with them.

One great way to put yourself in the right environment is to attend one of my £1 training events. You can book a ticket here for the next one. If you are an action taker, book your ticket right now. Don’t put it off until another time, because if you do, you will put off taking action forever!

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