Death Of The Gold Standard (And Why That’s A BIG Problem) – The Great Reset | Episode 2

Death Of The Gold Standard: I have been doing a series of videos about The Great Reset. In episode 2, I dive deep into the historical evolution of banking and the death of the gold standard.

From the gold standard to fractional reserve banking and the phenomenon of quantitative easing, it is all covered in the video above (or on my YouTube channel). Watch until the end if you want to save your self from the coming collapse.

You might be wondering why I am talking about all this? Well, if you want to make money and keep it, you need to understand some of the basics around how the monetary system works. This is the information many rich elitists want to keep to themselves, deliberately overcomplicating things to confuse the public. In this article, I will explain: the gold standard; fractional reserve banking; quantitative easing; and more importantly, how it affects you!

By the end of this article, you will know more about the monetary system than the majority of people. But we need to change that! Please help me get this information to as many people as possible! If everyone shares this article on social media, we all have a better chance at resisting The Great Reset! Thank you in advance for helping get the word out!

1. Death Of The Gold Standard: What Was The Gold Standard, And Why Did It End?

The gold standard was a system where government currency was backed by gold. If you look at your paper money today, the notes still say ‘I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of…’. This statement alludes to a time when the currency was backed by precious metals. That is to say, it was possible to go to your country’s central bank and redeem your paper money for gold (or at certain points silver). Today, the statement is meaningless, as the money is backed by nothing!

So why did governments take their currency off the gold standard? Simple, they printed more paper money than they had gold to back it! They committed legalised counterfeiting! Instead of paying back their debts, they decided to tell their populations that the paper currency itself had value! This is known as fiat currency, as it has value by the decree (fiat) of the state.

2. Death Of The Gold Standard: What Is Fractional Reserve Banking, And Why Is It Such A Big Problem?

So now you take your government paper money, backed by nothing, to a bank. But what does the bank do with your money once you have it? They use it to create new money! Banks can lend out a large percentage of the money they take in from their customers, while leaving a fraction in reserve. This is known as fractional reserve banking.

This isn’t the same as borrowing the money from you, because your balance doesn’t change. The bank simply credits the account of the borrower, bringing new money into existence! As money is no longer backed by gold, it is theoretically possible to create an unlimited supply. But the laws of supply and demand apply to money as much as any other good. As central and commercial banks create more currency, the purchasing power of money drops over time. This hurts anyone saving money, rather than holding assets such as property.

3. Death Of The Gold Standard: What Is Quantitative Easing, And Where Will It Lead?

Adding to the speed of money creation is quantitative easing. This is where central banks create even more currency to buy assets, such as bonds, directly from the market. This devalues the purchasing power of money even faster. This type of currency creation has been part of the rapid inflation we have seen recently.

As the many forms of currency creation speed up, government currencies are heading for a crash. This is where The Great Reset comes in. Powerful elitists are planning to use this crisis to bring in a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), as a purported ‘solution’. This will be a fully controlled and monitored form of money, with governments deciding what you can and cannot buy. People that don’t own assets, such as property, will be forced to accept this new form of money because their bank savings will be worthless.

Death Of The Gold Standard: Protect Yourself

Death Of The Gold Standard: I have written a book on exactly how to protect yourself from what is coming, it’s called ‘The Future of Money: The Great Reset Is Coming, Are You Prepared?’ and you can get a copy on Amazon.

You can also get a FREE copy of it as an e-book!

In the book, I answer the following questions:

  • Why is everything getting so expensive?

  • Who really controls the economic world?

  • What is the future of cryptocurrencies?

  • Why is the government printing so much money?

  • Why are the high street banks closing down?

  • How is the education system failing our children?

  • Why is gold so valuable?

  • Can the government take away our houses?

  • How can you protect your wealth?

  • What is the future of money?

If you want to know what is really going on with your money, get your copy of my book right now on Amazon.

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