At the HMO Bootcamp and Serviced Accommodation Intensive, I taught the students what to say on the phone and then sent them out to go and secure deals! So many students came back with amazing deals. In a recent video, I covered their stories. Check out the video above to hear what they have to say. I think these guys are doing amazingly well and I expect to see them soon on my video series, Winners on a Wednesday.
Winners on a Wednesday videos are sit down interviews with my success students that have become financially free or successful in property by attending my training or watching my content. It is a great opportunity for them to showcase their business and inspire others. In this article, I will be going over the exact steps it takes to be on Winners on a Wednesday and some of the benefits of doing so.
Step 1: Getting Trained
The first step is to get trained with us. For some people attending the free crash course is enough for them to be able to start taking action and making money; for others advanced training is the way to go. At our training courses you will learn exactly how hundreds of people before you have become financially free using my methods.
My training is not about just sitting back and taking notes, it is about doing. If you are an action taker and quick learner, you could secure your first deal right on the day! It is important to understand that learning isn’t enough, you have to do as well. If you don’t take action you will see no results. If you take action without the knowledge, you will also see no results. Therefore, you need both knowledge and action. My training can provide the knowledge but you will need to take the action!
Step 2: Succeed In Property
For many people, success is becoming financially free through property. Financial freedom is defined as when your passive income is enough to replace your active income. For others, it may be leaving your job to work on a property business such as deal sourcing. For still others, it could be building a million pound portfolio via BRRR deals.
Once you know what you are aiming for, you need to start applying what you have learnt from my training. The sooner you start taking action, the sooner you will see results. Many people have done it before you and the community is very supportive and will be happy to help you if you get stuck.
Step 3: Apply To Winners On A Wednesday
Congratulations! You are now a property success story! You can now amplify your success by gaining exposure to my YouTube audience full of property investors and aspiring property investors. But not only that, once you have been on Winners On A Wednesday you are part of the unique community. You will be invited to special dinners, gain press coverage, have access to a private Facebook group filled with fellow winners and much, much more.
You can apply to be on Winners on a Wednesday by filling out this simple form. Once you have, a member of the team will reach out to you to discuss the matter further. You probably won’t be on immediately because we normally have a rather long waiting list. Therefore, it is best to get in contact as soon as you meet the criteria.
If you are not yet ready to be on Winners on a Wednesday, why not book on to the next crash course and start your journey? You can book a free ticket here. Let’s meet and begin to make your dreams a reality!