The Great Reset – 3 Shocking Parts Of This Elitist Plan Revealed!

The Great Reset: In a recent video, I break down The Great Reset – a global agenda announced by the World Economic Forum. I show how it could impact the future of property investment, personal finances, and the global economy. This isn't just a conspiracy theory; it's a real shift that could change everything, from how we buy property to how we manage money. As property investors, it's crucial we prepare for this inevitable change to stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

If you want to learn exactly how The Great Reset is going to play out, please watch the full video until the end. You can find the video at the top of the page or on my YouTube channel.

The Great Reset is a wide-ranging plan covering a number of topics. In this article, I will reveal 3 shocking parts of the plan related to the money system. By the end of this article, you will understand what the elitists are planning to do to your money and how they intend to get there.

We need to make as many people aware of The Great Reset as possible. The only way to stop this plan is for people to know it is happening and for them to speak out. Please help me reach a wider audience with this message, by sharing this article on social media. Working together, we can help more people to protect themselves from the coming financial storm!

1. The Great Reset: Crisis

Big changes happen at times of crisis. Those groups that are ready with a plan, either because they created the crisis or they predicted it, have the advantage. Governments around the world are borrowing more and more currency into existence. This always leads to high or hyperinflation in the long term.

We have seen currencies in the past, and even in the present day in the developing world, become worthless due to excessive money printing. Eventually, this will happen in the modern developed world too. This is where the World Economic Forum, and their allies in government, will try to implement their Great Reset of the money system.

2. The Great Reset: The Cashless Society

The aim is to create Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), these are currencies that are entirely digital and can be transferred between people without the need for a bank. Unlike decentralised cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are fully controlled and centralised. They will allow governments to track every transaction made and link it to your identity.

The initial roll-out of CBDCs is likely to be voluntary, and may come in the form of stimulus payments, ostensibly to help with rising inflation. But in the long run, the aim is to phase out cash and only accept digital payments.

3. The Great Reset: Programmable Money

If your money being tracked wasn’t bad enough, they want to make your money programmable too. This means that the government could restrict what you can spend your money on. For example, limiting the number of flights you can take to ‘prevent climate change’. They will also be able to freeze your funds at will, perhaps for speaking out against them.

The Great Reset was initially predicted to happen in 2030, but it could start happening much sooner or much later than that. The important thing is to know what they are planning and look out for the early warning signs. If you are ready, you will not be taken in by their propaganda.

The Great Reset: Read My Book!

The Great Reset: I have written a book on exactly how to protect yourself from The Great Reset, it’s called ‘The Future of Money: The Great Reset Is Coming, Are You Prepared?’ and you can get a copy on Amazon.

You can also get a FREE copy of it as an e-book!

In the book, I answer the following questions:

  • Why is everything getting so expensive?

  • Who really controls the economic world?

  • What is the future of cryptocurrencies?

  • Why is the government printing so much money?

  • Why are the high street banks closing down?

  • How is the education system failing our children?

  • Why is gold so valuable?

  • Can the government take away our houses?

  • How can you protect your wealth?

  • What is the future of money?

If you want to know what is really going on with your money, get your copy of my book right now on Amazon.

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