In a recent video for my YouTube channel, I spoke about 3 ways to stay motivated as a property investor or business person. This isn’t just for people that are starting out, I have students that are earning £2000-3000 per month in passive income from property and they are having a hard time keeping motivated. Once you have some money coming in, it can be hard for some people to get on the phone, go and visit properties and do all the other things that are needed to make it in this business.
Because staying motivated is such a common problem for many people in business and property, I thought it would be a good idea to cover these 3 methods in a blog post. I’ve seen these methods work for many of my students, and if you take the time to implement them, I am certain you will see results too.
1. Have a very clear ‘why’
Let’s say you want to earn £2000 a month passive income in property; you need to have a very clear reason why you want to do that. Maybe you want to get a new car; maybe you want to go on holiday; maybe you hate your job and that will be enough money for you to quit. There maybe bigger reasons like wanting to save for your child’s future or to fund a cause that is close to your heart. Whatever the reason is, you need to have it clearly fixed in your mind at all times.
Once you have your goals set clearly in your mind, the next thing to do is put them down on paper. You need to create what is known as a dream board. You need to collect pictures of everything you are aiming for: your dream house; your dream car; your dream holiday; all the causes and people you want to help, etc. Put your dream board up somewhere where you will be able to see it when you are working. This is a great motivator.
2. Hang around with people who have achieved what you are aiming for.
If you want to make £3000 a month in property, you should hang around with people that have already done this. The 5 people you hang around with most will shape the person that you become. If you want to be a property developer, for example, you need to find other people who are doing property development. This is called positive peer pressure.
If you are hanging around people that are making £1,500 per month working a retail job that is what will be considered natural, normal and acceptable to you. There is nothing wrong with that if that is your goal. However, if you are aiming for something else, hang around with people that have achieved what you are aiming for.
3. Plan. Do. Review.
At the beginning of the week, write down exactly what you are going to do in your business that week. Take action in the week, and at the end of the week review what you have done. Have an accountability meeting with yourself and see if you have actually done the things you told yourself you would.
Hold yourself accountable, like you would an employee. If you wouldn’t hire yourself to work in your business, you need to work harder. In your own business you don’t have a boss to hold you accountable, so you need to take on that role for yourself.
If you follow these steps, you will see massive improvements in your business. The only thing you could be missing now is knowing what exactly to do, so you need to get trained. Luckily, I am giving away some free tickets to an upcoming training event. Click here to claim yours. Spaces are limited.