Raising Finance and Joint Venture

How to use financial leverage through the use of strategic partnerships.

This four-week online programme will teach you the skills needed to raise finance and strategically partner with cash-rich investors.

The detailed theory combined with practical instructions will allow you to gain a comprehensive knowledge of many types of partnerships and loan agreements. Even if you already have financial muscle the skills that you will learn on this programme will be crucial for your success. 

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” Helen Keller

This programme will teach you many different ways of raising capital through angel investors, loan agreements, joint venture partnerships, mortgage companies and more.

Week One – 11 Lessons

01. Work Money Hard
02. Raise Money Smart
03. Know The Risks
04. Know The Potential
05. Mortgage Lenders Enquire About The Deposit
06. Bridging Finance Possibilities
07. The Hypocrisy Of The Banks
08. Buy To Hold
09. Buy To Sell
10. Buy To Refinance
11. Desperation Gets Expensive

Week Two – 6 Lessons

12. 5 Types Of Raised Finance
13. Secured Loans
14. Unsecured Loans
15. Guaranteed Loans
16. Untapped Monies
17. Handouts


Week Three – 8 Lessons

18. Armchair Investing
19. Your GIFT To Investors
20. The G.I.F.T.S. Formula
21. Get Them Asking
22. Initiate The Idea
23. Find Their Interest
24. Third Party Selling
25. Send The Opportunity

Week Four – 14 Lessons

26. Friends and Family
27. Personal Bank Loan
28. Don't Commit Mortgage Fraud
29. Business Loans
30. Home Equity
31. Pensions
32. Sell Home And Rent Instead
33. Credit Cards
34. Danger Of Payday Loans
35. Selling Possessions
36. Crowdfunding
37. Business Income
38. Savings
39. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

You will be given lifetime access to the course and if anything changes will we change the course material to reflect those changes. So rest assured you’ll always be bang up to date.

It’s designed to take 4 weeks but you can work through the modules at your own speed.

You can start immediately, as the training is online you can fit the training around your schedule. You’ll also be granted lifetime access so that you can work at your own pace.

The cost of the programme is £995 (including all taxes) 

This includes the Step-by-Step Manual and Contract Pack (RRP £500) which can be purchased separately.

This is exactly what you will be able to do once you have completed the Raising Finance & Joint Venture programme.

  • How to become a property investor only using other people's money
  • The 5 different types of raised finance so that you know exactly what to offer and when
  • How to get armchair investors desperate to lend you money
  • How to tap into funds that you would not have imagined possible
  • What contracts you need to use so that everyone is protected
  • How to make money work for you so that you can achieve financial freedom

Special Offer!

Get the Step by Step Manual and Contract Pack for FREE (RRP £500)

FREE! When you purchase Raising Finance & Joint Venture Online.

This includes full written instructions as well as all the contracts and documentation that you need!

This includes full written instructions as well as all the contracts and documentation that you need including –

  • Joint Venture Agreement Contract 
  • Joint Venture Heads of Terms
  • Joint Venture Roles and Responsibilities Guide
  • Non Disclosure Agreement
  • Limited Company Set Up Guide
  • Personal Loan Agreement
  • Unsecured Loan Agreement
  • Secured Loan Agreement

Module One:

Work Money Hard 

Raise Money Smart 

Know The Risks 

Know The Potential 

Mortgage Lenders Enquire About The Deposit

Bridging Finance Possibilities

The Hypocrisy Of The Banks


Buy To Hold – Property Investors

Buy To Sell – Property

Buy To Refinance

Desperation Gets Expensive

Module Two:

Five Types Of Raised Finance

Secured Loans – Property

Unsecured Loans

Guaranteed Loans

Untapped Monies


Module Three:

Armchair Investing

Your GIFT To Investors

The G.I.F.T.S. Formula

Get Them Asking

Initiate The Idea

Find Their Interest

Third Party Selling

Send The Opportunity

Module Four:

Friends and Family

Personal Bank Loan

Don't Commit Mortgage Fraud

Business Loans

Home Equity


Sell Home And Rent Instead

Credit Cards

Danger Of Payday Loans

Selling Possessions


Business Income


Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Module Five:

Introduction To Joint Ventures

Safety Is Not In Numbers

Dream Up Your Perfect Partner

Equal Risk Equal Reward

Roles And Responsibilities

Module Six:

Contracts And Solicitors 

Forming A Company 

Listen To Your Gut

Exit Strategies

Know Your Worth Exercise:

Recreate Yourself 

Your Online CV

Post With Purpose

Fill The Gaps

Learn To Network

Elevator Pitch 

Website, Phone and Business Cards 

Be So Good, They Can't Ignore You 

Module Seven:

Intro To Potential Joint Venture Options

Too Young With No Money

Investing From Overseas 

Investing From Overseas Without Access To Mortgage 

Bad Credit And No Money

Money But No Time

No Confidence

No Landlord Experience

No Money, Time, Credit Or Confidence

Module Eight:  

Avoid Resentment

Let Them Walk Away

Setting Expectations

Building A Reputation

Spot The Time Wasters

Five Reasons A Joint Venture Will Fail

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