4 Ways to Buy BARGAIN Properties from Motivated Sellers

Four ways to buy Bargain Properties from motivated sellers.

Samuel Leeds shares his four top steps to successfully finding and buying bargain properties.

A bargain property is a heavily discounted property that is sold for an amount that is significantly below the market value.

The key to successfully purchasing bargain property if initially finding them, Samuel tells all on the four best ways in which to source these below market value properties

  1. Estate agents – Estate agents are your friends, as a property investor you need to be ‘in with’ estate agents. Telling them what you are looking for and showing them your ability to purchase is essential. If you do not ask you do not get. 
  2. Networking Events – The property business is a people business. Attending networking events and telling other networking individuals what you are looking for and passing on your details can result in successful deals and partnerships.
  3. Online sites – If an individual has listed their property on sites such as Gumtree, chances are they are highly motivated to sell. Contacting these individuals and pitching your offers can lead to successful deals.
  4. Advertise Yourself – There are many ways in which an individual can advertise themselves, Samuel examples include low cost options such as leaflet dropping and advertising in shop windows. 

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