The Game in Brief
The aim of the game is to increase your wealth through property investing and property entrepreneurship. Make your way around the board, visit estate agents and purchase properties on your way round.
What’s in the Box?
- 1 x Game Board
- 2 x Dice
- 6 x Playing Token
- 62 Property Cards
- 26 Oh No! Cards
- 23 Success Cards
- 6 x Rent to Rent Accelerator Card
- 6 x Deal Selling Masterclass Card
- 6 x Buy Refurbish Refinance Masterclass Card
- 6 x Serviced Accommodation Intensive Card
- 6 x HMO Bootcamp Card
- 20 x £50,000 Notes
- 40 x £10,000 Notes
- 40 x £5,000 Notes
- 80 x £1,000 Notes
- 20 x £500 Notes
Set Up
- Separate the ‘Oh No!’, ‘Success’ and ‘Property’ cards, shuffle them and put them face down in the relevant spaces on the gameboard.
- Separate the Rent to Rent Accelerator, HMO Bootcamp, Serviced Accommodation Intensive and Buy-Refurbished-Refinance Masterclass cards and put them face down in the relevant spaces on the gameboard.
- Each player selects a playing token and places it on “Square 1”.
- The Banker and the Bank –One player is elected Banker. If there are more than five players, the Banker may choose to take on this role only. In addition to holding the money, the Banker pays monthly salaries, rental income, deal selling fees and any incoming or outgoing money from the Success and/or Oh no! cards. If the bank runs out of cash the Banker can issue as much money as is necessary in the form of IOUs written on ordinary paper.
- Players roll the dice and the player with the highest score goes first. Play then passes to the person on their left.
Playing The Game
On your turn, roll the dice and move clockwise around the board starting from Square 1. The space you land on will determine what you have to do. Two or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time. Let’s have a look at the spaces:
Passing PayDay – Every time you pass or land on PayDay you will receive your monthly pay cheque of £2k until you become financially free. (see The Objective) You’ll also receive your monthly rent from any properties that you have acquired.
Landing on Square 1 – No action is taken if you land on Square 1 but you may be sent back here from time to time.
Landing on Success – When you land on a Success Space, pick up the top Success Card from the pile on the board. This will be a nice bonus to help you on your journey to becoming a Property Millionaire. Once used, return the card to the bottom of the pile.
Landing on Oh No! – When you land on an Oh No! Space, pick up the top Oh No! Card from the pile on the board. This will be a setback on your journey to becoming a Property Millionaire. Once used, return the card to the bottom of the pile.
Landing on Estate Agent – When you land on an Estate Agent Space, pick up the top Property Card from the pile on the board. You now have the opportunity to buy that property. The property value and required deposit amount are printed on the front of the card.
On the back of the card you’ll see there are other options of how to acquire the property but you’ll need to have already bought the relevant strategy card to take that option.
Once the Property Card has been acquired, you must keep this card and take monthly rent on PayDay. If you choose not to take the property or you use the Deal Selling Card, return it to the bottom of the pile.
Strategy Cards
There are 5 strategy cards – in order to utilise a strategy you need to buy the card first. Each card costs £2k. When you have purchased a Strategy card, place it on the table in front of you. Any properties that you have acquired should be placed on the relevant strategy card.
For example if you have 5 properties you’ve acquired on a Rent to Rent basis they should be placed on the Rent to Rent Card. When you pass PayDay add up the Rent to Rent Monthly profit from each card and that figure is what the banker needs to pay you.
If you purchase a property you’ll receive the standard Buy-to-let Rent unless you have a Serviced Accommodation or HMO card. In which case you can place it on that card and claim the higher rental income.
Here’s a breakdown of what the cards are and how you can use them:
Rent to Rent – What is Rent to Rent? Rent to Rent is where you rent a property from a landlord and rather than live in the property, you rent it out again, for a profit.
The deposit required and the monthly profit are printed on the back of the property card if you choose to take the property on.
Deal Selling – What is Deal Selling? Deal Selling, also known as “deal sourcing” or “deal packaging” is actually very simple.
It’s the act of finding a property that is for sale that would be a good investment, doing due diligence on the property and then selling that information to an investor for a fee.
The fee that you will receive for your property is printed on the back of the card. Simply return the Property Card to the bottom of the pile and take your fee from the Banker.
Serviced Accommodation – What is Serviced Accommodation? Serviced Accommodation refers to fully furnished properties which are available for short-term let. This type of accommodation may also offer facilities similar to those offered by hotels. Property investors love this strategy as this gives them a much higher rental income than normal Buy-to-Lets.
You can use this card for any properties that you own. Have a look at the back of the Property Cards that you own and rather than collecting the ‘Buy to let amount’ collect the ‘Serviced Accommodation amount’ every time you land on or go past PayDay.
HMO – What is an HMO? A House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is a property that has more than one household living in it. They share basic amenities, such as a bathroom or kitchen but have their own private bedroom. Property investors love this strategy as this gives them a much higher rental income than normal Buy-to-Lets.
You can use this card for any properties that you own. Have a look at the back of the Property Cards that you own and rather than collecting the ‘Buy to let amount’ collect the ‘HMO amount’ every time you land on or go past PayDay.
Buy-Refurbish-Refinance – What is Buy-Refurbish-Refinance? Buy-Refurbish-Refinance is a very profitable property strategy.
Simply put it’s a 3 step process.
- Buying a property, usually in disrepair and below market value.
- Refurbishing the property and bringing it up to the true market value.
- Refinancing the property at its true value which should allow you to pull out most, if not all your initial investment.
When you’ve mastered the BRR strategy you can buy properties without tying up any money.
You can use this card when buying properties. You’ll still need to pay the deposit to purchase the property but when you pass PayDay, you’ll get the deposit money back from the Banker.
The Objective
In this game there are 2 objectives. The first player to complete both objectives wins.
Objective 1 – Become Financially Free
This means replacing your £2k monthly salary with rental income from your property empire. When you achieve £2k or more in rental income you are now officially financially free.
This means that you give me the day job and move full time into property.
The bad news is that you lose your £2k per month paycheck.
The good news is because you now have more time on your hands you get to roll both dice meaning you can move around the board much quicker.
Objective 1 – Become a Property Millionaire
Once you’ve achieved financial freedom the next goal is Property Millionaire status. You now need to start saving up money for deposits and buying properties when you visit the Estate Agents.
The winner of the game is the first player to own £1M worth of property, therefore becoming a Property Millionaire.
Please Note:
- Rent to Rent properties do not count.
- You do not need £1M in equity.
What if?
The banker runs out of money?
If the bank runs out of cash the Banker can issue as much money as is necessary in the form of IOUs written on ordinary paper.
The Estate Agent runs out of Property Cards?
If the Estate Agents run out of Property Cards, the Banker must add up every player’s Rent to Rent income and write it down. These Property Cards are now given back to the Estate Agent but the monthly rental income for each player is now locked in. If you have a Success – Lease Option Bootcamp Card you may not use on a Property Card that has been given back.
You can’t afford to pay your Oh No! Card Fine?
If you can’t afford to pay your fine the card may send you back to Square 1. If it doesn’t specify this then you are off the hook.
A Success Card has moved me forward, does the next space I land on determine what I do?
No, if you have been moved forward by a Success Card even if you land on an Oh No! Or Estate Agent Space you will take no action and wait for your next turn.
A Success Card has told me to take another player’s property. How does that work?
First you choose a player. They will then fan out their Rent to Rent Property Cards and you must pick one at random. You can not take a property that they have purchased.
You roll a double once you’ve become financially free?
If you roll a double, move your token and act on the space you have landed on as usual. Roll the dice again and have another turn. This only applies once per turn.
After becoming financially free you lose some of your property income and collect less than £2k on PayDay?
You now lose your financially free status and go back to your old job. This means that you only get to roll one dice but do get to collect your £2k salary next time you land on or pass PayDay.
Rules for a Short Game
For a shorter game just play to the first objective – becoming financially free.