Deal Sourcing Mastery

Deal Sourcing Mastery

Are you the next deal sourcing mastermind?  If you’ve been looking at all the options and different strategies to try and fancy yourself the right person for the job of deal sourcing then you’re in luck. This video is perfect for newcomers to veterans. You will find fresh perspective and insights into the life of a deal sourcing property entrepreneur. Learn tips, tricks, secrets of the trade and the importance of taking action and starting. This is a lucrative strategy to use, especially if you’re strapped for cash to immediately go invest in assets. There is no doubt that it's s a fantastic gateway into the world of property investing. But is there an example of how to go from zero to hero,000,000? Click the video to watch to Deal Sourcing Mastery.

Firstly a little refresher. On February 18th Samuel released a mini-documentary where Samuel and Alasdair helps Clo P Paul make £2,000 in one day, just by deal sourcing alone!

You can watch it here:

There are many properties you can learn to source whether they be on market with an estate agent or off-market property investments with vendors direct such as Rent-to-Rent, Rent to Serviced Accommodation, Rent to House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO / R2HMO), Lease Option Agreement, Buy Refurbish Refinance Rent (BRRR. All you then need is the ability to find investors to either package and sell the deals for a finders fee, or use Joint Ventures, Raising Finance methods.

Deal sourcing? Deal Packaging? 

In this episode you’ll learn what the exact difference is beyond an extra few thousand pound to your income. You’ll learn what to do if a property deal falls through or changes last minute and as usual, much, much more. This episode HAS. IT. ALL.

If you're interested in coming to the Crash course? Click here to claim my free two day tickets

All that being said…

Along with the rest of the world, we are closely monitoring the developments relating to the spread of coronavirus, and noting the updates and advice given by the UK government, the World Health Organisation and other public bodies.We will continue to monitor the situation. The Government’s current advice is that all mass events should still go ahead. There are many mass events scheduled in the UK before ours, and we are working closely with the relevant bodies to coordinate and agree appropriate advice to our clients. Our principal concern is for the welfare of our customers and staff. We have established a series of precautionary measures in accordance with such advice, and will adapt these measures and our policies if this advice changes. As and when there are more updates, we will share further information.

Meanwhile, stay safe. We wish you good health and many successes ahead.

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