Don't Waste £100,000 in Bad Land Acquisition!
Hey, what’s up? I am Samuel Leeds. Today I am going to show you how I buy land and not waste my money on badland acquisition. You have to be very careful when you are looking for land as agents might sometimes fool you by showing an attractive drawing and fake appealing look but then it comes out something else. So let me tell you about this.
What Piece of Land is Offering?
So there was an ad for land for sale on 250 thousand pounds and people approaching me and saying this looks good and is also close to my house and not very expensive. But then I saw it was written unsold in auction, like how you recognize it should be counted good or bad? A piece of land which is about to go to auction and it is less than half the price where you can build but what would be the return on investment then? However, pictures are amazing as all are 3D images to attract the customer and it is spread on 0.96 acre which means almost 1 acre. It also says, development scheme preparing and full vacant possession.
Well, this is not properly planned, you need to get planning. What good is money is in the planning but you have to analyze everything. Like I searched about that area or land which is on sale and it is near Jordan’s station next to sear green. The area is quite affluent but when I searched on websites it seems pleasing because of 3D images everything seems wonderful but here I realized why the training is so important.
Anyone could buy this land by the outlook but they had no planning. See where you will have the access when you build an apartment. There is no access so how are you going to get the apartment block? After buying this piece of land when you ask the council for planning permission, he will straightly say no because there is no access. It is written on a website that it is 100% greenbelt. This would be a total waste of money as they say it’s a green belt land but it has no access and you will also not get planning permission and I think which is why it is now on 100 grand and before it was on 250 thousand pounds and nobody showed interest so they less the amount.
Don’t be Pleased by the Pictures, Look in Depth
The best way to get planning is to see where the apartment will fit but what estate agents do is they grab you by showing good images. When I zoom-in the area I found there is no access and no planning permission will be received from council. So better to seek knowledge and take property information so you will be saved being trapped and your money will not be wasted. Don’t be amused by the images, get into depth and details.
Wrapping Up
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